Upgrade Underbody Guard Protector Cover For Sur-Ron Storm Bee

Sur-Ron is setting another benchmark in the electric off-road world with the Storm Bee. With 22.5 kW of electric power in a full-size off-road bike.
Design and produce higher quality and durable retrofit accessories for stormm bee.
Retrofit storm bee for accessory upgrades and body structure protection.
The benefits of equipping the Underbody Guard
When a motorcycle falls to the ground, it can suffer external damage or internal damage, even without speed.
The main task of the underbody Guard is to effectively protect vital parts of the powertrain and steering system.
Underbody Guards are specifically designed to protect the bottom part of the motorcycle, especially the engine, from water, mud, rocks, and road debris.
In addition to protecting the body chassis, the upgraded guard plate also protects the motor and small sprocket.